A far-stretched excuse for my lack of cooking skills...
Our increasingly progressive thinking has raised our “tolerance” level of many things that were unthinkable just mere years ago. Issues such as female ministers, legal gay marriages, and medicinal use of marijuana aren’t the hot topics they used to be. As liberal as we try to be, however, we’re still prudish about househusbands and successful businesswomen.
It is puzzling to me how male and female stereotypes can last as long as they have without being continuously fundamentally questioned at a large scale [I say continuously because there were movements to promote and establish presence in the workforce and female voting]. Children are taught at an early age that racial profiling is not an acceptable practice since people are equals. What they really mean is that all races are equals because there is certainly a large population of people who doesn't think this applies to sexes.
How can accepting the idea of stay at home dads and female heads of the family be so difficult? It’s unfortunate that strong and competitive women are considered butch and paternal and caring men are considered weak. Isn’t it a good sign that people are so much more balanced now?