Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Let me tell you about the birds and the bees

Following tradition, I started to write a poem when I felt electrifying flashes of inspiration during my trip out to Vancouver this past weekend. Even though my blog entries are normally left for incoherent rants, my meager vocabulary and limited exposure to real poetry stunted my ability to do the poem any justice [my “Inspiration: An Ode to Capilano and Whistler” was not even close to cutting it]. So into the crapper it goes as I relieve myself yet again of a case of verbal diarrhea.

Toronto is my beloved home. I had absolutely no desire to live in any other city [San Francisco was a distant second with London close behind]. After spending a short few days touristing the Vancouver area, I fell in love with the city. I was in constant admiration at how beautiful it is. Its mountain backdrops and ocean views were breathtaking. Plentiful trees, fresh air, and superior infrastructure added to its allure. For the first time in my life, I can imagine living in a city other than Toronto. Although this wasn’t a life-changing experience, it was significant. With my company’s plan to relocate last fall [although it didn’t affect me], I adamantly confirmed with myself that I will forever be a Toronto girl. Now, I’m willing to open myself up to a whole slew of possibilities.

Vancouver is indeed the most beautiful city I’ve visited [so much so that I thought it deserved an ode]. It’s hard for a Torontonian to comprehend how easily you can escape from the city and scurry along to Mother Nature with a short drive. Walking around the top of Whistler and walking among treetops in Capilano were serene experiences. Never before have I been inspired by nature. Its beauty was overwhelming and there was nothing you can do but allow yourself to be enveloped. While I was at Capilano, I wanted badly to sit against a tree and write to my heart’s content [I was much too underdressed to want to do that at Whistler]. That would be a delightful pleasure in life that I hope I would one day have the chance to indulge in.

Before this trip, my inspiration came solely from the strength of people and our ability to overcome arduous obstacles. Interestingly, I’ve learned to be inspired by nature because it shows how utterly helpless and inferior we are.


Blogger Cammie said...

I like nature. I'm the one that used to talk to trees in my head..haha. I wish there were nicer places nearby to hike and bike and paddle...I've also always wanted to go to Vancouver because I know I'd like it there...but i am drawn away by thoughts of visiting more exotic locales first.

not much rain while you were there?
let me know if/when you want to visit again...

8:35 AM  
Blogger ehbaba said...

It actually rained everyday we were there. To add insult to injury, when we were boarding the plane to return to Toronto, we noticed how nice and sunny it was outside.

I don't know if I already told you this, but in back in high school during one fall when I was walking to the bus stop, I noticed birds flying by. I said aloud "Fly south, man, fly south. What are you doing here?" I thought I was alone but just then, someone came from behind me and walked past me. He shot me a "you're a crazy mofo" look and walked on.

I don't think I'll be back all that soon. I'm not big on visiting the same city more than once in a short period of time unless there is a good reason.

6:45 PM  
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8:57 AM  

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