I want to do more. I want to be more. I don't and I'm not because I'm indifferent.
Since indifference is "a condition of abnormal functioning", I suppose it can be categorized as a "disease". The viscous irony of this affliction is that although the victim can cure himself if he so chooses, he won't because he could care less. Oh the cruelty. Sadly enough, I was not aware of my ailment until recently when I chatted with someone about things we do outside of work and memorable experiences we cherish. The breadth and depth of his adventures and activities were staggering. I felt so unworthy of life. I've been given such a beautiful thing and I have unwittingly watched it go to waste. Having been thoroughly disgusted at my lack of passion for life, I sat myself down and started a list of things I wanted to accomplish.
This is going to be harder than I thought. I looked at my list again.
These don't even sound fun. The intial excitement was waning. The ideas were few and uncreative.
I'd rather watch TV. Shame on you!
I know, I know, but I promise I'll try again later.
It became clear very quickly that jotting a list of things to do is not going to cut it. The root problem has not yet been identified and a quick fix won't last very long [stating the obvious, I know]. Where is my zest for life? What happened to the will, passion, and enthusiasm that was oh-so-abundant in my youth? Has my prime come and gone? I am unable to provide answers to any of these questions [this seems to be the trend lately]. So perhaps I am approaching this problem incorrectly. New boundary conditions [that's right, I said boundary conditions...ERTW] need to be set.
Kazaam! I know the culprit
...work. It can suck the fun out of life if you let it comsume you. How is it that our extracurricular activities have suddenly become important weapons in our resume aresenal? What happened to rolling around in the fields and frolicking with our imaginary friends? The young professionals [and some unwise older ones as well] of today are much too concerned about work and forget that it is merely a necessity that serves to provide us with our basic needs and sustain our chosen lifestyles. Happy people not only find a balance between life and work, they understand that work depends on life, and not the other way around [one of life's great truths, really, so mark my words and jot them down]. Alas, I've become indifferent to how I spend my free time because I've lost sight of this fact .
As a wise person [ehbaba] once said, "Live by integrity. Live for happiness. Live with love." This doesn't have much to do with my blog. It's my shamless way of saying I'm wise and plugging my life motto.