Monday, January 10, 2005

Hi everyone. My name is ehbaba and I'm here because I suffer from indifference.

I want to do more. I want to be more. I don't and I'm not because I'm indifferent.

Since indifference is "a condition of abnormal functioning", I suppose it can be categorized as a "disease". The viscous irony of this affliction is that although the victim can cure himself if he so chooses, he won't because he could care less. Oh the cruelty. Sadly enough, I was not aware of my ailment until recently when I chatted with someone about things we do outside of work and memorable experiences we cherish. The breadth and depth of his adventures and activities were staggering. I felt so unworthy of life. I've been given such a beautiful thing and I have unwittingly watched it go to waste. Having been thoroughly disgusted at my lack of passion for life, I sat myself down and started a list of things I wanted to accomplish. This is going to be harder than I thought. I looked at my list again. These don't even sound fun. The intial excitement was waning. The ideas were few and uncreative. I'd rather watch TV. Shame on you! I know, I know, but I promise I'll try again later.

It became clear very quickly that jotting a list of things to do is not going to cut it. The root problem has not yet been identified and a quick fix won't last very long [stating the obvious, I know]. Where is my zest for life? What happened to the will, passion, and enthusiasm that was oh-so-abundant in my youth? Has my prime come and gone? I am unable to provide answers to any of these questions [this seems to be the trend lately]. So perhaps I am approaching this problem incorrectly. New boundary conditions [that's right, I said boundary conditions...ERTW] need to be set.

Kazaam! I know the It can suck the fun out of life if you let it comsume you. How is it that our extracurricular activities have suddenly become important weapons in our resume aresenal? What happened to rolling around in the fields and frolicking with our imaginary friends? The young professionals [and some unwise older ones as well] of today are much too concerned about work and forget that it is merely a necessity that serves to provide us with our basic needs and sustain our chosen lifestyles. Happy people not only find a balance between life and work, they understand that work depends on life, and not the other way around [one of life's great truths, really, so mark my words and jot them down]. Alas, I've become indifferent to how I spend my free time because I've lost sight of this fact .

As a wise person [ehbaba] once said, "Live by integrity. Live for happiness. Live with love." This doesn't have much to do with my blog. It's my shamless way of saying I'm wise and plugging my life motto.


Blogger Cammie said...

That's a cool life long did it take you to come up with it? i want a life motto....

for ME...working has made me want to learn things. NON-school or work-related things. like, i have a desire to do the things i've always wanted to do but didn't have time or money to previously. like horse-backriding...and reading a lot...and going on trips...and visiting some of my friends at school....joining/buying exercise stuff so i don't die at age 40...having Ringo become a therapy dog (does stormy want to be one too?)..etc.

If you didn't already GO to europe, I'd really want to drag you with me...unless you do want to go again...let me know! would you be interested in a week in the carribbian in May or August?

although recently i've had to fall hard out of the fantasy that I have money now and can spend it all on myself....

3:12 PM  
Blogger ehbaba said...

It didn't take very long to come up with the motto...just had to turn a lot of anger and frustation into motivation and inspiration.

I would go travel anywhere really, but I only have 2 days during my internship so I can't afford anything other than weekend trips.

I can't say that Stormy has a goal in life. She's an underachiever but we love her anyway.

Learning OUTSIDE of school is great. I just bought a book "Definitive Guide to Excel VBA" because I've always wanted to learn to do more with Excel. I haven't started yet but it seems like I'd be fun.

I'm researching for an elliptical machine. I want to exercise not only to live beyond 40 but to be able to do sports past 25. My knees and back are going to blow out soon and my cardio is nowhere to be found. I just have to figure out what differentiates a "good" machine from a "sucky-ass" one.

6:25 PM  
Blogger Cammie said...

III want an elliptical machine!! AND I too want to know what makes the expensive ones so much better than the crappy ones that look like they'll fall over...haha...let me know what you've found out so far! are a nerd. I would never ever ever spend my free time learning how to use computer software for FUN. nerd.

8:30 AM  
Blogger Herb said... beat me to it...I wanted to call her a nerd, hahaha

you should's great for your's such a great cardio workout...and it puts no pressure on your knees and back...

I too like your's simple...yet simply profound...

5:20 PM  
Blogger ehbaba said...

I went to Sears today and they have a January sale for people who are trying to be inspired in the new year to work out more. I still don't know what separates a good one from a great one but I know the more expensive ones have an incline option (something I am looking for).

Swimming is an excellent idea EXCEPT the point of me buying a machine is that I know I will not leave the house to exercise. I seriously promised myself that I would run twice a week in September 2003. It's January 2005 and I didn't even CHANGE to go outside yet.

My Excel learning is going very slowly. I brought the book to work today but I had actual WORK to do so I only read 2 pages of intro or so. I didn't really learn anything new yet but I remain enthusiastic.

Thanks for liking my motto. I am quite proud of it.

I still have to decide about Irene's party. My attendance is looking less and less likely. I seem to have snubbed her a lot lately (i.e. late KK gift).

6:41 PM  
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2:41 AM  

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