Thursday, May 10, 2007

I'm (almost) always right

My last blog mentioned that "I'm pretty much right all the time". It made me think about why other people are wrong so often. Is it me or is it them?

I don't know how it all started. I think I got it from my mom. Between her and my dad, she was right the majority of the time. I will admit that she is right quite often. BUT, not as frequently as me. I have yet to meet someone who is right a greater majority of the time than I am. I'm pretty sure it would annoy the heck out of me.

It probably came about for two reasons. First, there was a subconscious competition about who would be right more of the time between my mom and I. Second, I wanted to avoid hearing the words "I told you so" because it makes you feel uber-sucky. Now that we figured out how it began, how am I so magnificently able to accomplish being right most of the time? I think it has to do with carefully selecting what I say. I'm very aware of the limits of my knowledge and if something falls outside of that realm, I'm not going to make crap up. I'd openly admit that I didn't know. And if I were to hazard a guess, I would honestly use words such as "I think" or "probably" and avoid making absolute statements. That leaves very little room for being wrong.

There's a big difference between being right many times and being right most of the time. I don't know enough about everything to be right many times. I fall in the latter category. That is probaby [moreso, hopefully] why it's not annoying when I'm right. I'm not a know-it-all [I know very very litte...but I do know entropy is always increasing i.e. delta S >0 haha]. I think being aware of my boundaries and not making fluff up are good things. I'm awesome [this is one absolute statement that I'm absolutely willing to make!].


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha..that's is F'ing taking about the time you used "probably" to a certain someone about knee pain! still cracks me up..i know this comment is quite cryptic....oh well. you know what and who i'm taking about!


11:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you start talking about science (namely, ENTROPY) you know I have to contribute to the conversation. Techinically, the entropy of a large system increases. However, subsets of the system (say, a particular process) do not have to favour disorder as long as the overall system is increasing in entropy.

11:24 AM  
Blogger ehbaba said...

IS it not true that it cannot DECREASE, whether or not it is at a local or larger level?

4:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Entropy can definitely DECREASE. For example, water going from liquid to gas is an increase in entropy. However, what happens when steam hits a cold surface? It condenses back into liquid form which is a DECREASE in entropy. Since this is usually small in comparison to the global system (namely, the universe), it's A-O-Kay!

Sean Law

10:41 AM  
Blogger ehbaba said...

Ok, but entropy had to increase for something in order to allow for that decrease. And the combination of the two changes still give an increase in entropy, right?

10:18 PM  
Blogger Cammie said...

Isn't entropy is always increasing in the universe? if you want entropy to DEcrease you need to apply energy to the system to cause it...

11:17 AM  

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