Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Engerla is a snob

Wait! No she’s not. That statement is a blatant lie. It honestly could not be further from the truth. So…why am I starting rumours and putting myself at the receiving end of an ass whopping?

To prove a point at someone else’s expense, of course! Enge is a close friend of mine and I thought I knew her pretty well until she got upset with me [in her quiet and barely detectable way] when I jokingly called her a snob. Although I was blunt and said it in a serious tone, I thought my sarcasm was obvious by virtue of the comment’s outrageous absurdity. Apparently, I was wrong. Because I am an overly honest and blunt person [to a fault at times], she took that comment as a sincere one. Still, I couldn’t understand why she was so upset until recently. What’s a little name calling between friends?

I walked what felt like ten miles in her shoes this past week. Although I am much better at dishing insults than taking them, I was especially sensitive to certain comments made to me recently [disregarding the fact that they came one after another, after another, after another…]. To make matters worse, I became upset at how upset I was. In fact, it got to a point where I had to sit myself down and think things through.

Why the heck was I being so touchy? It turned out that it wasn’t simply because I was the butt of a few jokes. It was because they picked on things that were near and dear to me. I have set in my mind what kind of person I want to be and I strive hard to achieve that. When I was accused of being something I hated, I lost control. Engerla was upset because she dislikes it when people are snobby. So for me to associate her with that character trait was a slap to her face. If I wrongly [and jokingly] accused her of anything else [i.e. boring, annoying, etc.], she would probably just have pushed me to the ground and told me to shut the hell up.

Some learnings from this small ordeal:
- I’ve got to increase my take it/dish it ratio
- It can sometimes [but not very often] be good to overanalyze
- Enge and I are proud peoples


Blogger i said...

lol. oh dude, your comments section got blog-spammed!

anyway, i was reading this entry and remember how much i overanalyze? i'm the queen of overanalyzing and it drives me craaaaazy!

i'm sorry you've had a hard time recently. but knowing you, you usually get out of difficult situations stronger and wiser!

10:52 PM  
Blogger ehbaba said...

I think I exaggerated a little too much for the sake of drama. It wasn't really a tough time. I just got made fun of like twice in 3 days. HAHAHA. Looking back, it was stupid and undeserving of a blog.

But I'm selfless like that. I wrote about it to entertain you guys. I'm awesome. hahaha j/k

11:33 AM  
Blogger engerla said...

I'm glad my "sensitivity" can provider readers with some sort of entertainment. Always happy to know I can provide amusement at my own expense. :S hahaha just joking, it's all "GRAVY". Was that too cheesy? Meh, I know I'm cheesy! But on a serious note, I'm going to have to kick some major ass when I see you or I can just push you to the ground. Which do you prefer?


1:23 PM  
Blogger Herb said...

I am thoroughly surprised...

I fully expected Cam (or someone else...but mainly Cam) to jump all over your post and jokingly (maybe) say mean things about you...

but alas, I was wrong...OR, she just hasn`t read your post yet

9:18 PM  

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