Monday, February 28, 2005

Good vs EVIL

The good Samaritan who helped dig my car out of the snow bank on the random front yard I flew into last Friday reminded me of the good that prevails in the world. I was very appreciative of his willingness to help but the glimmer of hope is still so dim that it's difficult to shake my pessimistic thoughts...

...which brings me to childbearing. As a [somewhat] normal teenager, I gabbed with other girls about what our families would be like. Our husbands would look like Ken, we would have a girl, a boy, and a dog, our houses would have a nice porch with a swing bench [and perhaps even the picturesque yet over-rated white picket fence], and live happily ever after. Times have changed and so have I. For one, I don't want my husband to look like a plastic ditz. The white picket fence probably needs a new coat of paint every spring and I'd be too lazy to keep it from rotting. Hopefully, my dog Stormy will still be alive [she'll be 20 or so] but I'm not so sure about the kids anymore.

Kids, in general, are great. The question is whether this world is good enough for my children. It will undoubtedly be a decision between my future-husband and I, but as it stands, I remain skeptical. I like my life and would love for my kids to have the same experiences I've so fortunately enjoyed. However, I get the feeling that the world is crumbling and deteriorating by the second. Funny enough, it's not the crime or the hate that scares me. It's the politics. Invading countries for oil, destroying the environment, and making "democratic" decisions based on carefully planned political moves to hoard support make me sick. The fact that the immense greed and selfishness of a small group of people proves to be powerful enough to change the course of the world brings me to my knees. It may not be something that may directly influence my children but when covetousness rears its ugly head, all bets are off.

It's too early to make any sort of decision and the world may not be as bad as my outlook makes it out to be. This siutation is simply worrisome enough to have it occupy my mind for years. Who will take charge and mke this world a better place [I would if I weren't so damn lazy]? I suppose it could be my daugher, the future Nobel Peace Prize winner.


Blogger Herb said...

I love the fact that the smallest offerings of kindness really do remind you of the good that surrounds us in our lives. It gives you hope against everything you fear and loathe in the world.

With that in mind, I don't think you can ever give up hope that the world and people are capable of greater and better things. Someone (you'll have to forgive my inability to properly quote this) once said that as people, our only duty is to make the world a better place for those yet to come. It's notions like that, and the people who hold true to those ideas, that maintain my faith that this world can be good enough for whomever I will one day introduce into it. find someone to breed with...

1:33 AM  
Blogger Cammie said...

Its not too late to start your own society of brilliant happy, and apparently beautiful, people hidden from the ignorant self-destructive world by...cliffs? waiting for the day the world will die off and you can repo it......You can raise the next John Galt.

9:47 AM  
Blogger ehbaba said...

I still believe that there are capable people. My doubt lies in the world giving them a chance to turn things around for mankind.

Cammie, cliffs are an excellent idea but I'd still need that dohicky thingy that will hide me from people who will undoubtedly be flying around and searching for me and my lil' John or Jane Galt.

Herb, with your smooth talk about "breeding", it's a wonder you haven't found a vessel for your future kids yet haha.

8:39 PM  
Blogger i said...

lol, i thought when you said "ken" that you meant "ken bugg" and i thought that was soooo cute. cause, i mean, the man is too cute for words.

10:48 PM  
Blogger ehbaba said...

Irene, you are such a RETARD.

Why do you keep thinking that I'm attracted to MARRIED men? That's dirty and wrong.

I'm offended that you think that of me. I don't think I'll be talking to you anymore. Good day.

I said good day.

11:38 PM  
Blogger Herb said...

shut up, hahahaha...

I'm alone cuz...well...nevermind that...

I...damnit...I have no point...

just be quiet, girl who doesn't know me well enough to make fun...

I'll trick some girl one day soon, mwahahaha...

2:37 AM  
Blogger ehbaba said...

Well, if I knew you better, making fun of you may be more awkward [because there'd be truth behind my comments] or more fun [for the same reason].

I like your approach. Girls enjoy being tricked. Go get 'em tiger and let me know how that goes haha.

6:06 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I truly like your technique of writing a blog

4:36 AM  

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