Wednesday, December 08, 2004

There's only one way to live life...the hard way

Life isn't easy, nor is it fair. We've been told this as early as our parents think we can comprehend the concept. They're on to something, aren't they. They may not know how to give props or do the thunderclap, but they sure know what they're talking about. I appreciate their knowledge more and more as I grow older. They know so much because they've been through so much.

I'm sure we all remember the time when we wanted to be adults instead of kids. We get to stay up as late as we want and no one could tell us what to do. And I'm also sure that most of us, by now, wish we can stay young stress, all fun and games.

As you experience more, the horizon of the world expands and things that mystified you make sense all of a sudden. But, as with most things, it comes with a price. The most important lessons reveal themselves only after great falls and stumbles. Our lives will sometimes be sprinkled with pleasant memories, but the harsh ones are those that build our character.

We can't choose when, where, or how we go about building our character, although we can certainly catalyze the process. Taking the first step, being the bigger person, opening up, and conquering our fears are all difficult things to do and they don't get easier even with repetition. Doing difficult things builds character. Perseverance is the application of that character.

The chapters of our lives can be divided by a timeline (20s, 30s, 40s, etc.) or memorable events (marriage, kids, retirement, etc.). But I think it's more worthwhile to divide them by turning points in our lives caused by spikes in our character charts. This is what separates us and makes us unique. The same sequence of events can happen to two people but their charts will have completely different results depending on how they choose to carry themselves. Each individual story suddenly becomes so much more climatic and interesting.

These spikes not only change our view of the world, they also change how we relate to our environment. Relationships with family, friends, and future acquaintances will invariably change. We're all like horses on a racetrack. Life is riding on our backs urging us to move to the next chapter by painfully whipping us on our arses. We take turns leading and falling behind. This is one race I'm not keen at winning because it's lonely being #1. Luckily, there is no finish line. Life will never stop teaching us lessons if we don't let it.


Blogger Cammie said...

I find that I cannot learn from other people's mistakes if they try to force me to do what they think is right according to their experience....I mean, I'd rather make my own choices and mistakes and learn from them, than take someone else's word that its the wrong choice....

However, I do take to heart other people's experiences and strive either to be where they are in life, or never to have to be in their shoes...

8:32 AM  
Blogger Cammie said...

since you decided to write in my comments instead of irene's about clogs...I am counter-acting by writing in yours...haha

actually, my old clogs are tattered...and the new ones that look exactly like th old ones are a bit too i don't like to wear them anymore.....

now, please suggest to me what kind of shoe I can wear both with jeans and with dress pants...preferably black....i've been lookign and looking and i can't find anything other than boots...but i have those already...

3:14 PM  
Blogger i said...

pretty intense stuff steph!

i feel "ehbaba steph" has turn into "introspective steph". where's the girl i use to know? the girl who punched me in the face when she was trying to punch my arm? i don't miss her, i just wanted to say bye......

9:41 PM  
Blogger ehbaba said...


Thanks for the nod, i. It feels good to have someone recognize and appreciate my introspective side.

I don't think ehbaba will ever leave, although it plays a much smaller role don't say your goodbyes oh-so-prematurely.

10:23 PM  

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