Thank goodness for commercialized Xmas
You heard what I said. Three cheers for commercialized Xmas!
Before you self-righteous, holier than thou characters start jeering me and pushing me off building tops, hear me out.
I agree that Christians should hold near and dear to their hearts the main reason for celebrating Christmas -- the birth of Jesus Christ, our saviour. But what of non-Christians? Should they be left out in the celebrations? NO.
Even if stress now comes with the territory, a commercialized Xmas is better than nothing. This is the one time of the year you get together with your distant relatives and have some turkey. If it weren't for Xmas, you would never see them. This is the one time of the year you can give presents to your friends to show them that you care. If it weren't for Xmas, they'd never know how you feel. This is the one time of the year you can drink eggnog until you puke. If it weren't for Xmas, they wouldn't make eggnog. This is the one time of the year you can use mistletoe as an excuse to kiss your crush. If it weren't for Xmas, you'd get charged for sexual assault.
While we should not forget the lessons our Christian faith has taught us, we should give thanks for a commercialized Xmas. This way, more people get to join in and celebrate each other, if not God.
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