Tuesday, October 05, 2004

That's right, I like to stare

Staring has been a favourite pass time of mine. It is the only thing that keeps me from gagging during my long long daily long daily long TTC journeys.

I understand that some people regard this as a rude practice. I believe that it is rude only if you make the other person uncomfortable. If you're shneaky enough, the "What they don't know won't hurt them" rule applies. This can be done by taking quick glances, or by using the reflection off the glass. This last technique works particularly well if you're seated right next to the windows. You can stare at a LOT of people that way.

Staring is a little more difficult on the bus. This is one of the reason why I lub my sunglasses. With the colour reflective coat, I can stare at you all I want and you wouldn't even know it. I can look straight ahead for the whole ride and be staring at everyone in my peripheral vision. The only thing is that you get a lot of people staring back at you, wondering whether you're staring at them. This amuses me.

Another thing that gives me a kick is staring at someone who is staring at someone else. It's like "Hunter Hunted" (which was a great game that came with my PC lightyears ago, btw). My life goal is to be able to stare at someone who is staring at someone staring at someone. That will be the best day of my life. Well, top 20 anyway.


Blogger i said...

goodness gracious! i didn't know you were such a freak, steph.....no wait.....i did.

10:33 PM  
Blogger engerla said...

omg..steph..you are soo crazy..you're definitely the CRACK! ON THE TEAM!!!!...whoshhh*over my head*...lol


10:18 PM  
Blogger asuka said...

No no steph, you should try to find someone who is staring at someone, who is staring at YOU. Then its like this errie triangle.... of FREAKS. jk

7:08 PM  
Blogger ehbaba said...

omg asuka is so right!
that is 10x better that what i had in mind
you have boggled my mind and for that i thank you

5:27 PM  

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