Saturday, October 16, 2004

Old guys get me

I know what you're thinking. It sounded weird to me too when the revelation first popped into my head.

It's hard to read the Banana Boys without thinking about your own relationship (or lack thereof). I have a theory about "emotional maturity". It is something that is not necessarily based on age, sex, or experience. Those who are emotionally mature really get what relationships are about and know what they want. I know some who have had many relationships but remain emotionally immature. I know others who had very few relationships but are exceptionally mature.

For whatever reason, old guys get me and I think it's based on their high emotional maturity. It's got nothing to do with my maturity level (I can't really say whether mine is high or not) but with my character/personality. I'm thinking specifically of 3 men that I've met over the past year. In a weird, but completely non-perverse, way they make me feel special because they see me for who I am. And this makes them sparkle in my eyes.

This probably doesn't make sense to anyone else but me. I don't mind, because this happens a lot anyway. What I really want is for one special person to get me and sweep me off my feet. Is sparkle too much to ask?


Blogger Cammie said...

how old are these "old" guys?

9:36 AM  
Blogger ehbaba said...

Avg age is 50-ish?

1:30 PM  
Blogger i said...

hmmm...we need a new term for you steph, what's the opposite of a pedophile...a geriaphile?? but here's the thing, i love old men too! not in a they-understand-me kind of way, but a they're-so-cute way (if they're not perverted or senile)!!! old women are meaner in general, although i've met some sweet old grannies too so i can't say that they're all mean.

10:16 PM  

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