Saturday, June 27, 2009

Breaking a sweat...but not really

I got my GymStick today! I only tried a few exercises and now my shoulders, arms, and back feel like jelly. My muscles gave out before I even broke a sweat haha. Good thing I got the one with "medium" resistance. I don't think I can handle "strong" because it's for "fit women" (and men and athletes). :S As I've always said, strength is not one of my strengths.

I also want to start running but it's harder than I thought because my knees and feet ache from walking around Sydney. As soon a I get home, I have to sit down and make Steben rub my heels. I'll start with working out for now until my feet get more used to the walking before I graduate to running.


Blogger melody said...

Having just had that email from you about how you think about EVERY LITTLE THING before committing to it, I must ask:

How much did you think about it before purchasing this GymStick? Is it going to as awesome as you've researched it to be?

Good luck!

4:40 PM  
Blogger ehbaba said...

My commitment level isn't as high as I thought it'd be haha. I went through one set of exercises (out of 4) and it hurt haha.

After going through the other sets and getting familiar with the exercises, I hope to have a routine established.

I still think it's a great tool. Steve bought a bench and free weights and they take up half of the living room. My mat and gymstick can be tucked anywhere.

If this doesn't work out, it'll be an example of "it's not you, it's me".

8:59 PM  

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